Cyrus Davie (1821 – 1871)

Cyrus Davie (1821 – 1871)   Died of old age       Place of Death: Christchurch * Missed the sailing of the ‘Randolph’ so sailed on the ‘Sir George Seymour’ and swapped ships mid journey. Buried at the Barbadoes Street Cemetery, Christchurch. The story of Cyrus Davie: Photo taken by Annette Bulovic

Randolph – the 2nd Ship

A sketch of the Randolph done by James Edward Fitzgerald from the deck of the Charlotte Jane as they left England for Canterbury on the 6th September 1850. Boy, James could draw!!! During its journey, it had the company of 2 ships, one being the Sir George Seymour where Cyrus Davie was transferred over as …

Canterbury Association History Making Settler Died – 16th June 1871

Cyrus Davie will always hold the most interesting record regarding our First Four Ships. He was the only passenger who made this historic journey on two of them! Charmingly, this resulted in him making the voyage from England to Canterbury two days faster than any other of his fellow settlers. Purchasing a passage on the …