Not ones to let cold weather put us off, the Bulovics were rambling around Lyttelton one particularly cold weekend not so long ago, checking up on some historic sites. It was then that I noticed a blue lantern attached to the outside of the Lyttelton Police Station (pictured). With its glass of rich dark blue; a …
“All round, except the cleared space in front of the tent, was high fern and tutu, stretching away over the [Canterbury] Plains as far as could be seen…where Lichfield Street now stands, was a large raupo swamp, which was a resort for wild ducks and pukaki. Tracks here and there had been roughly cut through …
Date and Place of Birth: 29th July 1823 at Aberden, Scotland Date and Place of Death: 25th August 1886 (place unknown) Roles in Early Canterbury: *Canterbury’s First Presbyterian Minister *Founder of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (situated at Rangi Ruru Girls High School since 1986), St Andrew’s College and Hagley Community College *Founding Member of the …
In 1859, on the Southwestern corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets, a handsome, new two story wooden structure was built for Drs. Hilson and Turnbull. Designed by Thomas Tomes, the two doctors had wanted a bigger facility to replace their current quarters in Cashel Street which would not only house consultation & surgery rooms but …