• First Road To The Canterbury Plains

    On the 30th December 1850, surveyor Charles O. Torlesse chained and pegged the first road to the Canterbury Plains – from this point at Church Corner, Upper Riccarton – opposite Countdown. Named Harewood Road, it was from this road that sections began to be sold to the settlers. The term Yaldhurst began to be used …

  • Kaikai-a-waro – Kaiapoi Pa

    If you are anything like me, Maori names can get my head spinning and I lose the direction of the story big time!!! So, hopefully this will help – the key names Ngai Tahu – South Island tribe Ngati Toa – North Island tribe Ngati Mamoe – Pre Ngai Tahu South Island tribe Tu Rakautohi …

  • Burnside High School’s Cabbage Trees

    Easily the most famous Cabbage Trees in Christchurch! Called Te Herenga Ora by the Ngai Tahu, Burnside High School have recognised the importance of this cluster of Cabbage Trees so much that they are the school’s icon! Before the Europeans made it to Canterbury, the Maori would used this site as a landmark, usually on …

  • Market Place – Victoria Square

    Around 1500 years ago, a Maori village stretched from Victoria Square (pictured) to Bealey Ave and was known as Puari. Around the Waitaka Pa, 800 Maori had made Puari their home.Puari’s burial grounds – the sites of the old Library Chambers (demolished due to earthquake damage) and the Central Police Station (future unknown) each on …

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