There is something extra special about a man who could hold a subdued conservation with the likes of William Sefton Moorhouse about the Railway coming to Christchurch (with a cigar in hand I’m sure) whereas on the flipside he could also fit in at a local tavern full of the rough and tumbles from the …
As a man of God, I’m sure the loss of your own child could be even harder to understand. To be in the service of the Most High and still, your children don’t escape the harsh reality of being in the world, must be even more crushing. Falling back on what had comforted him in …
The story of the Simeon Family and that of Canterbury, New Zealand begins very much like the story of Canterbury itself. Sir John Simeon (pictured), like other lads from wealthy families, saw his teenage years in at Christ Church College in Oxford, as did his younger brothers, Charles and Cornwell. It was there that he …
Few New Zealanders have achieved such prominence or popularity, received such high honours, or been more sincerely admired and respected in their own lifetime than Heaton Rhodes. Blessed with intelligence, talent, good looks and wealth, he made the most of his advantages. He excelled at many things, and is remembered in Canterbury as the province’s …