Spitfire Square

At 11.30am on the 21.11.1967, a Bristol Freighter ZK-AYM of Straits Air Freight Express was flying over Christchurch, heading towards the airport. Aboard was the airline’s founder and General Manager Thomas O’Connell, Operations Manager, Captain Robert Hamilton, First Officer Helge Torgersen and James McLaggan. At 11.33am, these men lost their lives as their plane crashed …

George Rhodes (1817 – 1864)

George Rhodes (1817 – 1864)        Died of a chill     Place of Death: Purau Buried at Lyttelton’s Anglican Cemetery, Christchurch The story of George Rhodes: http://www.peelingbackhistory.co.nz/the-rhodes-brothers/ Photo taken by Annette Bulovic The discovery of George Rhodes’ crypt at the Lyttelton Anglican Cemetery was to hold more than Chris and I expected…and not in …

The Rhodes Brothers

William Barnard Rhodes (1807 – 1878) was the eldest of his 13 siblings and the first to arrive in New Zealand out of his 5 brothers! As Captain and co-owner of the ship ‘Harriet’, William saw a lot of the world. In 1836, while employed by the firm of Cooper and Levy, William sailed into …

Jury List 1860

Came across an interesting article from The Lyttelton Times dated 19th May 1860 that carried some big pioneer names: “List of persons qualified and liable to serve as jurors within twenty miles of the Resident Magistrates office, Christchurch: *Barker, Enoch, Town Belt South, Gardener (was the first gardener of the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, also planted …

LINCOLN & SPRINGSTON – James Edward Fitzgerald (1818 – 1896)

“He grows more wonderful than ever, in dress and appearance. His hair is all brushed and shaved away from him face…he used to wear the most frightful long brown holland blouse, left very open, with a belt and turn-down collars…” And this was how Charlotte Godley (the wife of John Robert Godley – founder of …